Interview a Systems Analyst and ask what skills and characteristics must a systems analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process [include in your answer evidences (pix, ltrs, etc)]? at least 1000 words exlcuding your evidences.
In assignment 2, we were tasked to interview a System Analyst, yesterday April 29, 2010, we were having an interviewed in SAMULCO or Sta. Ana Multipurpose Cooperative in Uyanguren, Davao City. Together with my classmates in System Analysis and Design 1, we went to the office of SAMULCO to conduct an interview to their MIS Department. We interviewed Mr. James Bautista, a System Analyst in SAMULCO. We gave him a questionnaire to address our questions.
Before Mr. Bautista answered the question, first he introduced his self and asking us what our names. Before he started, he explained us what was System Analyst all about and gave us some important ideas and strategies how to become a successful system analyst for the future. He said that if you were not good in programming you have a chance to be a good system analyst. He said that being system analyst was not easy, because you need to focus your career in terms of developing a project, you should see the problem alone and think a best a solution, so that you could generate a successful project.
He said that being System Analyst must looks into the over-all system and makes good steps before you develop a project. You do not need think as a programmer but think as a common to others. In these explanations, being a system analyst you must think fair whether you are a good analyst but think that you have equal ideas in terms of developing a project to the others and treating them well and fair. As a system analyst you need to treat others equal.
Mr. Bautista gave us three skills and characteristics must a system analyst develop in order to be more productive in any design modeling process, first characteristic is being a System Analyst must be observant, because if you fail to notice the important details it will be failed to you as analyst. You should an observant every time you make important decisions especially doing a project, always ensured the missing part of the task and observed well if what are lacking and set the important feature, to complete the development and also he said that being an observant it will accurate you by designing a models but make sure that you will work as team because if make individual there’s a big possibility that your design and output will different in the end, sometimes you cant meet the expectation output and it will make your project failed. So that it is very important to develop as a team work and discussed important details about the development and how to create a project accurate well and no mistake. you should paying attention in every steps you made and consult every details, so that you could easily understand the concept of the project, if there was a needed you can simply apply what you have learned and fill the incorrect decisions into the accurate ways, so that your development have a successful output. Just make sure that you develop a project with team work. this is very important in developing a project, don’t work alone, team work is very important especially when you develop a project big, and needed a main aspect in development.
Second skills and characteristics must a system analyst develop in order to be more productive in any design modeling process, must have a basic programming skills, because if you do not have a basic programming skills, maybe you will not familiarize in terms of programming and developing the subject, although you understand the flow of the project but still there is a possibility that you project has an error and it will wasting the time, because sometimes there is a risk in terms of programming and as a system analyst you have idea to consult the project and accurate into the exact development, because sometimes if the programmer can’t meet the output as a system analyst you have the right to exact the project and build the project accurate and the client can satisfied the output, give the best solution and try to generate a good services into the client, so that you can make a good output, whatever happens just give the best to resolve the problem.
The third one is being a system analyst must be able to communicate well; he said that this is very important in terms of developing a project, especially when the client is far. He gave example, he showed as a picture of how important communication between the client, the developer and the system analyst. he explained us well how very important to develop a project that must be able to communicate well and cleared. Especially when you can’t realize what the he/she wanted because at the end you can recognize the simple output that he needs. He gave many examples and experiences about the project and how to resolve it.
Sir James shared a lot of his experienced as a system analyst, I learned a lot during the interviewed and I got some important lessons from his experienced and I realized that it takes 2hours before the interview was done. After Sir James answered all the questions, he asked us one by one if what our learning’s. For me, I learned a lot about the interviewed, there are many things that we should learn more before we make a project and I got many ideas how to become a system analyst someday. Overall the interview was good and fun.